Friday, November 14, 2008

Using Happiness

This Cheerios ad shows kids laughing and playing together in a pool of Cheerios. The kids are in large pieces of Cheerios, floating on milk in a huge bowl of cereal. Through out the ad the kids are laughing and look like they are enjoying themselves. Also, the music in the ad is very cheery, soothing, and upbeat, evoking happiness. The lyrics suggest that the kids are happy and Cheerios is trying to get consumers to feel that it is the Cheerios that is making them happy. Then we see a mom who is pleased because not only are the kids so happy, but also the cereal is good for them. The ad suggests that buying this cereal will make people and children in particular very happy. Many bright colors are used in the ad as well to evoke a sense of cheerfulness. It's interesting that they use a woman in the ad because typically in our society women are thought to be the ones that look after the kids.

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